

Hyundai Glovis

Truck Driver Accident Prevention Campaign

‘The leading cause of severe trauma is transportation accidents, followed by falls’ (Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, February 2024). ‘Trucks rank as the top cause of accidents on highways due to drowsy driving’ (Korea Road Traffic Authority [the Korea Road Traffic Authority], August 2020–August 2023). These statistics vividly depict the critical importance of safe driving practices for truck drivers.

Since 2015, Hyundai Glovis has conducted its ‘Truck Driver Accident Prevention Campaign,’ distributing ‘Safe Driving Kits’ to truck drivers and other motorists in South Korea to raise public awareness about traffic safety.
Launched in 2015 with Kits Full of ‘Essential Safe Driving Items’
Hyundai Glovis’ Safe Driving Kits are packed with a diverse array of items designed to help prevent accidents while driving, including UV-blocking cooling sleeves, all-season cooling patches, waterproof films for side mirrors, air fresheners, and anti-drowsiness patches.

The campaign initially began at highway rest stops across South Korea. From 2015 to 2017, campaigns were held at rest stops such as Manghyang, Deokpyeong, Geumgang, Naerincheon, and Okgye, with 15,000 safe driving kits distributed each year to truck drivers and general motorists.
Even during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Hyundai Glovis continued the campaign by visiting logistics terminals nationwide to distribute the kits in a contactless manner. After the prolonged pandemic, the campaign was able to resume face-to-face operations in 2023. During the summer vacation, when accident rates tend to be relatively high, kits were distributed to highway users at popular truck driver stops such as the Pyeongtaek Multiplex Rest Area and Yangpyeong Rest Area.
Working Toward Safer, Accident-Free Driving 365 Days a Year
After nine years of the campaign, Hyundai Glovis expanded its distribution targets for its 10th anniversary in 2024 to include personnel from the logistics industry. Essential safety items, such as reflective stickers for vehicles, traffic safety vests, cooling sleeves, and cut-resistant work gloves, were added to ensure the safety of both truck drivers and workers in the logistics industry.

In addition to support items, the campaign has also introduced new educational content. Hyundai Glovis provided online education along with its safety materials to logistics hubs across South Korea, such as the Yeosu Port Container Terminal, Ulsan Freight Terminal, and Busan New Port Authority. The online education included mobile-accessible checklists—ensuring accessibility anytime and anywhere—detailing safety rules to follow during logistics operations.

Through these types of CSR activities, Hyundai Glovis plans to continue fostering a culture of safe driving, ensuring that not only truck drivers, but all motorists in society can drive safely and without accidents.

‘Truck Driver Accident Prevention Campaign’ Achievements *2021~2023

  • Safe Driving Kits
    45,000Units Produced and Distributed
  • Safe Driving Kits
    Social Value 540million KRW
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