“The bedroom is perfect, the kitchen is perfect, and living in such a wonderful house feels like a dream come true”
These are the words of Yubin’s (a pseudonym) grandmother, at the housewarming event for Hyundai Engineering’s ‘Gift House Campaign Season 10,’ held in Boseong, South Jeolla Province.
‘Gift House Campaign’ is a CSR activity by Hyundai Engineering, donating modular homes to vulnerable households suffering from disasters such as wildfires, floods, and housefires, as well as general housing deterioration due to age.
The 10th Anniversary of the Gift House Campaign
Hyundai Engineering has been running ‘Gift House Campaign’ yearly since its inauguration in 2015. In 2024, to mark Hyundai Engineering’s 50th anniversary and the 10th anniversary of the ‘Gift House Campaign,’ duplex modular homes were provided to vulnerable households in Boseong, South Jeolla Province.
The housewarming event was made more meaningful through the attendance of Yubin’s family, who were provided with a comfortable home, as well as officials from the Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation and Boseong County. The entire house donation process for Yubin’s family was documented and widely shared on the KBS1 program <Donghaeng> on September 14, 2024, warming the hearts of the South Korean public. Including Yubin’s home, Hyundai Engineering has donated 39 modular homes across 18 local municipalities nationwide.
South Jeolla Province, with its many rural communities, has more families dealing with at-risk housing situations than any other region. We are happy to have been able to gift a safe and sturdy home to these two children, their father, and their grandmother, with the help of Hyundai Engineering.
Director of the South Jeolla Province Regional Branch of the Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation, Kim Yoo-sung
An Exemplary Model for Public-Private-NGO Collaboration
Hyundai Engineering’s ‘Gift House Campaign’ involves collaboration between the company, local governments, and NGOs throughout the entire process, including selecting the beneficiary regions and households, producing and donating modular homes, and providing help with upkeep post-donation.
Hyundai Engineering oversees the selection of beneficiary regions as well as the production and installation of modular homes, while local governments help recommend beneficiaries and carry out the administrative procedures necessary for construction. NGOs manage donations, support beneficiary households, and organize employee volunteering. This collaborative model has made ‘Gift House Campaign’ an exemplary model of a public-private-NGO partnership.
House Repair Volunteer Group of Professionals and Students Deployed for Older Houses
Since 2023, Hyundai Engineering has been running a house repair volunteer group for older houses as part of the ‘Gift House Campaign.’ The 2024 volunteer group consists of 9 Hyundai Engineering employees selected through an internal competition, 47 university students from 11 university volunteer clubs in the Seoul metropolitan area and South Chungcheong Province, and 10 interior construction technicians who provide professional house repair skills, comprising about 70 people in total.
The volunteers work in teams of one employee, four university students, and one technician, helping with tasks such as wallpapering, flooring, replacing light fixtures, cleaning, and general organization, which elderly homeowners have difficulty with. In August 2024, volunteers repaired 26 older homes recommended by local governments in Dangjin, South Chungcheong Province.
‘Gift House Campaign’ Achievements
Donation of Modular House
Repairing Older House
Spreading the Happiness that Stable Homes Bring to Communities
‘Gift House Campaign’ ranked first in the ‘CSR Portfolio Evaluation’ conducted by the community outreach impact assessment agency, Impact Research Lab, in 2023, and was selected as Hyundai Engineering’s representative CSR activity.
Hyundai Engineering plans to continue its earnest efforts to provide happy homes to even more vulnerable households by carrying out CSR activities linked to its business.